Monday 16 March 2015

Stress urinary incontinence

Stress Urinary Incontinence (SUI)

  • 50% OF UI in women
  • Intrinsic loss of urethral strength and/or
  • Urethral hypermobility

Risk factors for female SUI 

  • Childbirth
  • Ageing
  • Oestrogen withdrawal
  • Previous pelvic surgery
  • Obesity 
Risk factors for male SUI

  • EUS damage (pelvic *, RP, Pelvic surgery, Rx) 
Other risk factors 

  • Neurological disorders (SCI, MS, Spina bifida) 
Investigation of SUI 
  • Women

  • Stress test (cough)
  • Pad test (no and weight of pads)
  • Pelvic exam 
    • POP
    • Elevation of an existing anterior wall prolapse will unmask any occult sphincter incompetence
    • Oestrogen status 
  • Q-tip test 
    • Lithotomy position 
    • Bladder comfortably full 
    • Well lubricated sterile cotton-tipped applicator inserted into bladder
    • Applicator withdrawn to point of resistance (bladder neck) 
    • Resting angle from horizontal recorded 
    • Patient asked to strain and the degree of rotation is assessed 
    • > 30 degree resting or straining angle from the horizontal defines hypermobility. 
  • Urethral pressure profile 
  • Urodynamics recommended before surgery for SUI if 
    • Suspicion of DO
    • Previous surgery for SUI or anterior compartment prolapse 
    • Voiding dysfunction 

  • Men

  • Abdominal exam (palpable bladder) 
  • External genitalia exam (penile abnormalities) 
  • DRE 
  • Flow Rate and PVR 
  • Upper tract imaging if BOO 
Treatment of SUI

Conservative treatment 

  • PFMT
    • Eight contractions, three times per day
    • Improves symptoms in 30% of women with mild SUI
  • Lifestyle modification
    • Weight loss 
    • Stop smoking 
    • Avoid constipation
    • Modify fluid intake 
  • Biofeedback
    • Info on strength of PF contraction is presented as visual, auditory or tactile signal. 
  • Medication
    • Duloxetine: inhibits reuptake of both serotonin and noradrenaline increases sphincteric muscle activity during bladder filling. 
  • Extracorporal magnetic innervation
  • pulsed magnetic field to stimulate the nerves of the sphincter and pelvic floor 
  • High frequency electrical stimulation 
    • No proven benefit in SUI
Surgical treatment 

  • Urethral bulking agents 
  • Retropubic suspension 
  • Suburethral slings 
  • Artificial urinary sphincters 

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