Tuesday 17 March 2015

Surgery for stress incontinence: suburethral tapes and slings

Types of sling

  • Synthetic tapes 
    • monofilamentous polypropylene mesh
      • Retropubic tape (TVT) 
      • Transobturator tape (TOT) 
  • Autologous 
    • Rectus fascia, fasica lata, vaginal wall 
  • Non-autologous 
    • Fascia lata from cadaveric tissue

Retropubic tapes (TVT): 
  • Midline anterior vaginal incision over the mid-urethra 
  • Trocars inserted either side of the urethra and perforate through the endopelvic fascia into the lower abdominal wall in the midline, just above the pubic bone
  • Success rates 90% at 1 y 80% at 5 y 
  • TVT vs colposuspension 
    • Ward Hilton studies, similar efficacy at 5y. 
    • TVT have lower OAB symptoms and prolapse (1.8% vs 7.5%) 
Transobturator tapes (TOT, TVTO)  
  • Midline anterior vaginal incision over the mid-urethra 
  • Two small incisions lateral to labia majora at level of clitoris 
  • Trocar passed through skin incision, downwards though obturator foramen, exiting alongside urethra on each side (outside to inside) 
  • In TVTO, trocar passes from (inside to outside) 
  • TOT vs TVT: 
    • Similar subjective cure rates at 1 y
    • TVT better objective cure rates (88% vs 84%) 
    • TOT less voiding dysfunction, blood loss, bladder perforation, shorter operating time
    • TOT higher vaginal injuries/erosion and pain in the groin/thigh 
  • TVTO vs TVT:
    • Similar objective cure rates 
    • Increased risk of leg pain
Mini tapes 
  • Self retaining, inserted via a single vaginal incision 
  • short-term success 80-90% 
  • results may not be sustained over time 

General complications of tapes 
  • Voiding dysfunction (retention, de novo bladder overactivity)
  • Vaginal, urethra, and bladder perforation or erosions
  • Pain (groin/thigh with TO route) 
  • Damage to bowel or blood vessels (rare) 
Pubovaginal (autologous) slings 

  • Not commonly used as a first line surgical procedures for SUI
  • Commonly a segment of rectus fascia (10-20 cm) is harvested and sutured placed on both ends  
  • Sling placed under mid urethra though endopelvic fascia 
  • Suture ends tied 
  • Autologous slings vs colposuspension 
    • Autologous slings have better outcome 
    • Autologous slings have higher complications (UTI, Voiding dysfunction, urge incontinence) 

Pubovaginal (autologous) slings

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